August 2, 2022 in Blog

5 Tips to Prevent Seniors’ Falls

Falls are a fact of life. Even more so when you’re a senior.  Falls are the leading cause of injuries for seniors. So, if you haven’t taken care of yourself by being active to keep your balance and strength up, becoming older can be the kiss of death. “Seniors” are classified as over 65 years old and older. As I get closer to that number, I think that number sucks! So we’ll provide 5-tips to prevent seniors’ falls.

Price of  Seniors’ Fall

There are more seniors than young people in Canada. In 2017 there were 5.9 million seniors and 5.8 million youth under the age of 14 and this gap is expected to increase by 2040. So, with all the health innovations to help people live longer and longer, why are seniors falling more frequently than other age groups?

As our body ages, many of our senses deteriorate such as eyesight and hearing. This usually leads to trips caused by either poor lighting or loss of balance. Illnesses and the medications to treat them can also play havoc with our balance and strength. All too often, trip hazards like throw rugs or improper footwear lead to many slips and falls.

  • Pain from the injury
  • Loss of mobility
  • Loss of social interaction
  • Altered lifestyle
  • Loss of independence
  • Depression (due to isolation)

seniors enjoying life and preventing falls“…1 in 4 Canadian women and 1 in 5 Canadian men aged 65+ living in the community at the time of experiencing a hip fracture were found to enter a long-term care home within 1 year” according to a study found in Amgen’s website. That works out to millions of dollars in emergency healthcare funds and much more for chronic healthcare funding. On the human side, falls cause,

Some injuries sustained from falls although not life-threatening can be life-altering. Fractures that seniors commonly sustain are,

  • Hip
  • Lower arm (Ulna/radius)
  • Upper arm (Humorous)
  • Pelvis
  • Cheekbone
  • Nose
  • Head injury

Death is a real possibility when someone falls down the stairs or into busy roadways. 3.8 million Canadian seniors live alone; who helps them when they fall and how long until that help arrives?  Unfortunately, dementia and infections are also common factors that cause falls resulting in seniors’ mortality.

The Solution to prevent seniors’ falls

Obviously, it’s better to stop any fall from happening when possible. Here are tips to prevent seniors’ falls. Experts have suggested that seniors should,

  • Wear slippers with non-slip soles
  • Use handrails (bathrooms and stairs)
  • Remove throw rugs
  • Check eyesight and hearing every 2 years
  • Continue to be active for 2.5 hours a week for balance and strength


We all know that physical activity at any age has health and mental benefits beyond charts and scales. It also helps prevent senior falls. While researching for this article, many of the resources I used were found at Active Aging Canada. They have information and suggestions regarding exercise through a newsletter and YouTube channel. Click the link for a free guide to seniors’ physical activity.



The Second Fifty Years – NCBI Bookshelf (

McMaster Optimal Aging Portal

Preventing Older Adult Falls | CDC

How Can I Prevent a Fall? (

Active Aging Canada

Amgen Canada