Quality Training: As easy as 1, 2, 3!
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]How do you know that your staff were trained to a specific standard? Every Canadian province has set regulations for workplace training. First aid and CPR is no different.
You do not want to find out during an investigation that your training was not adequate. Even worse, to be left wondering if everything possible was done for your injured staff member. So, before the Ministry of Labour (MOL) investigates, you should too.
When interviewing a training company, ask a few informed questions;
1. Are you a provincially approved training agency?
In Ontario WSIB sets the minimum training and first aid kits in reg. 1101, part of the WSIA. WSIB has a list on their website of approved training agencies
2. How will you train my employees?
Ontario First Aid training have presentations, scenarios, manuals and instructor training materials that are approved by WSIB. This creates standardization across the province. Whether you are in Niagara Falls or Barry’s Bay an Emergency First Aid course must have a similar amount of training methods to engage all learners.
Emergency First Aid courses must last at least 6.5 hours and a Standard First Aid courses must be 13 hours, not including lunch and breaks.
3. What do my employees leave with?
All participants in an Ontario first aid course must have access to a first aid manual during and after training. They can be electronic or paper, but they must be accessible. Photocopies are nice add-ons but should never represent the main resource manual.
All successfully participants need to receive at least a wallet certificate valid for 3 yrs. Employers can decide to train more often but not the training agency.
Sound confusing? It can be but remember you can call and just ask questions anytime. Lets’s get to know each other through assessing your needs today.
It’d my passion..this stuff matters[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]